Suite of Extractors#

If you want to calculate many metafeature values at once, use the MetafeatureExtractorsRunner. You can either give it a list of specific extractors you want to use, or just let it use the default ones.

Personalized Extractor Runner#

You can give a list of the metafeature extractors you want to use and then use the run(text:str) -> Dict[str, Union[str, float, int]] function. This function will return a dictionary where each metafeature’s name is matched with its value.

>>> from elemeta.nlp.runners.metafeature_extractors_runner import MetafeatureExtractorsRunner
>>> metafeature_extractors_runner = MetafeatureExtractorsRunner(metafeature_extractors=[sp,ld])
>>>"This is a text about how good life is :)")
{'sentiment_polarity': 0.7096, 'detect_language': 'en'}

Output: {'sentiment_polarity': 0.7096, 'detect_langauge': 'en'}

Default Extractor Runner#

If you don’t specify any metafeature extractors, the system will use a set of default ones.

>>> from elemeta.nlp.runners.metafeature_extractors_runner import MetafeatureExtractorsRunner
>>> metafeature_extractors_runner = MetafeatureExtractorsRunner()
>>>"This is a text about how good life is :)")
{'detect_language': 'en',
 'emoji_count': 0,
 'text_complexity': 113.1,
 'unique_word_ratio': 0.875,
 'unique_word_count': 7,
 'word_regex_matches_count': 11,
 'number_count': 0,
 'out_of_vocabulary_count': 2,
 'must_appear_words_ratio': 0,
 'sentence_count': 1,
 'sentence_avg_length': 40.0,
 'word_count': 9,
 'avg_word_length': 3.2222222222222223,
 'text_length': 40,
 'stop_words_count': 5,
 'punctuation_count': 2,
 'special_chars_count': 0,
 'capital_letters_ratio': 0.034482758620689655,
 'regex_match_count': 1,
 'email_count': 0,
 'link_count': 0,
 'hashtag_count': 0,
 'mention_count': 0,
 'syllable_count': 9,
 'acronym_count': 0,
 'date_count': 0}

Adding a new MetadataExtractor to an existing MetafeatureExtractorsRunner#

To use a new MetadataExtractor with an existing MetafeatureExtractorsRunner, use the add_metafeature_extractor method.

>>> from elemeta.nlp.extractors.high_level.regex_match_count import RegexMatchCount
>>> number_of_good_in_text = RegexMatchCount(name="number_of_good_in_text",regex="good|Good")
>>> metafeature_extractors_runner.add_metafeature_extractor(number_of_good_in_text)
>>>"This is a text about how good life is :)")
{'detect_language': 'en',
 'emoji_count': 0,
 'text_complexity': 113.1,
 'unique_word_ratio': 0.875,
 'unique_word_count': 7,
 'word_regex_matches_count': 11,
 'number_count': 0,
 'out_of_vocabulary_count': 2,
 'must_appear_words_ratio': 0,
 'sentence_count': 1,
 'sentence_avg_length': 40.0,
 'word_count': 9,
 'avg_word_length': 3.2222222222222223,
 'text_length': 40,
 'stop_words_count': 5,
 'punctuation_count': 2,
 'special_chars_count': 0,
 'capital_letters_ratio': 0.034482758620689655,
 'regex_match_count': 1,
 'email_count': 0,
 'link_count': 0,
 'hashtag_count': 0,
 'mention_count': 0,
 'syllable_count': 9,
 'acronym_count': 0,
 'date_count': 0,
 'number_of_good_in_text': 1}

Running the extractors on a Pandas Dataframe#

To run the extractors on a specified text column in a pandas dataframe, use run_on_dataframe (dataframe: DataFrame,text_column: str)-> DataFrame This function will return a new dataframe with the metafeatures values as new columns.

>>> from elemeta.dataset.dataset import get_imdb_reviews
>>> reviews = get_imdb_reviews()[:200]
>>> print("The original dataset had {} columns".format(reviews.shape[1]))
The original dataset had 2 columns
>>> reviews = metafeature_extractors_runner.run_on_dataframe(dataframe=reviews,text_column='review')
>>> print("The transformed dataset has {} columns".format(reviews.shape[1]))
The transformed dataset has 29 columns
histogram of text_length feature